If you have questions, need help, would like to submit a bug report or small patch, or become an active contibutor of the jQuery-Claypool project please join us on one of our forums. There are many developers who have contributed, and/or, who use jQuery-Claypool actively. We will always make our best effort to answer your questions as fast as possible.
Please try to read all available documentation and provide as much information as relevant. Also, try a quick search through the archives on our group list to see if anyone has had a similar question that has already been answered.
jQuery-Claypool is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects under both the MIT License and the GPL License . This means that you can choose the license that best suits your project, and use it accordingly.
Donations are graciously accepted, and though we have a low overhead as we take full advantage of the services listed, we will use any donated funds to promote and support jQuery-Claypool.
mailing list
If you have questions pertaining to how to use Envjs please search our user group, subscribe, or just post to our Google Group .
issue tracking
If you would like to report a bug, submit a patch, request a new feature, or take a sneak peek at what's coming soon, visit our issue tracking system at Lighthouse .
source code
If you would like to start playing with the source yourself, contribute regulary, or fork till your heart's content, check out our source control repository on Github .