< documentation

config 1.0.x


Retrieves or extends the entire configuration, or a subset of the configuration. This method is an entry point into jquery.claypool's internal configuration for application components. All of claypools submodules, like logging, mvc, ioc, and aop can be accessed directly through $.config. Each configuration is also exposed by a conveneince method. See also:


id (Optional) String
The id of the configuration subset. If the argument is present, it should be a dot-delimited string, it will be resolved, and return that subset of the configuration.
obj (Optional) Object
The object that will be saved in application scope with the given id.


If no arg is present the entire application object is returned.


If a single arg is present the string is configuration subset is returned.


The configuration subset identified by the first arg is deeply extended or merged if the second arg is a object or array (respectively). Chainable.

$.config('mvc', /*Object or Array*/);
config releases



This guide is applicable to both the jquery-claypool client and server application frameworks. Where the two differ functionally the documentation will provide notes and examples of usage in each environment.