< documentation

app/ 1.0.x


Welcome to jQuery-Claypool! This is where a Project begins... When you use this manual, understand we have two purposes for providing information in this "project layout" format. We want to share, and we want you to be able to share, and a couple simple conventions provide a simple framework for doing just that.

These conventions are not required in general, and by design. Feel free to modify conventions as suits your project, and feel encouraged to provide your experience and requirements so we can integrate painlessly.


You will be able to understand any jquery-claypool app by understanding where to put and find things. Nothing new about that idea.

  • app/configs

    You will find all the high level wiring for event routing, logging, environments, and filters.

  • app/models | app/views | app/controllers

    The models, views, and controllers folders will hold all your app specific code while seperating concerns to keep it clean and concise.

  • app/boot

    Whether you are writing a client-side or server-side app, this is the application entry point.

app/ releases



This guide is applicable to both the jquery-claypool client and server application frameworks. Where the two differ functionally the documentation will provide notes and examples of usage in each environment.